Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Moldy cheese isn't necessarily bad.

I read DIYLife's site every now and then as it sometimes has handy tips for checking off "honey do list" items in a faster/easier manner. Plus, I find that reading about other people doing something that I need to do makes me want to actually do it (I admit I have low self-initiative, but that's another post altogether).

Anyway, I stumbled upon their stumble upon another site's article (as often happens in blogs) on the shelf life of cheeses. Turns out that the blue fuzzy mold on cheddar's and the like is just on the surface and can just be brushed off. Other things of note are that ricotta's, mozzarella's and the like (soft white uncased cheeses) last only a week (their mold issa notta so good), blue cheese almost never goes bad when stored properly, and that plastic wrap without paper is a no-no unless you like the taste of plastic wrap.

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