Friday, August 22, 2008

I like Chick-Fil-A's marketing scheme!

Wow, I didn't expect that from the wholesome Christian chicken-sandwich company (why do I always crave their food on Sundays). Looks like a promising campaign. :-)

Actually, their new Chick-n-Strips(c) are pretty dang tasty. They are larger, but fewer in numbers (3 or 4 count instead of 4 or 6 count). The breading isn't as thick or grease laden, and I no longer get a weird aftertaste in my mouth after eating a batch. Unfortunately, it is also more expensive.

Does anyone else miss their old Chick-Fil-A sandwich honey mustard packets (before the honey-barbecue, not the dipping sauce or dressing either)? Oh well, when does the chick arrive? :-P

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